Wedding checklist for Excel – free download

For the special day – your wedding – I have created a checklist as an Excel template, through which you can perfectly plan the wedding.

At the wedding, you should leave nothing to chance! Therefore, a complete planning is mandatory. Even a forgotten little thing can disrupt the entire process and already the mood tilts, or it even comes to the abortion of the ceremony. But we do not want to imagine the worst. There are always possible solutions.

By the way, you find a wedding budget planner here.

Table of Contents

How does the wedding checklist work?

Very simple: Download the Excel file at the end of the article and open it with your spreadsheet editing software (usually Microsoft Excel).

New: A PDF version is now also available for download.

Now you can check the checkboxes directly in the table. Alternatively, you can print out the checklist and work through and check the individual items by hand.

Personally, I think the latter is the best choice. This way you can present the list prominently in the kitchen or on the bulletin board of your household and people can always take a quick look or make additional notes quickly by hand. Digitally, this is always more difficult spontaneously or takes longer.

Structure of the wedding checklist

The list is divided into time periods and the associated planning that you should do for a wedding. With a checkbox you can easily and clearly see if you have already initiated all the necessary steps or if something is still open.

There is also a column for solution or remarks if anything needs to be done or is unclear.

Divided into the following sections:

  • 9 – 12 months before date
  • 6 – 9 months before wedding
  • 3 – 6 months before..
  • 1 – 3 months before..
  • 1 – 2 weeks before..
  • 1 day before wedding
  • on the wedding day
  • Days and weeks after the wedding

Screenshots of the checklist for the wedding

Screenshot wedding checklist (12 - 9 months before)
Screenshot wedding checklist (12 – 9 months before)
Checklist for wedding (9 - 3 months before)
Checklist for wedding (9 – 3 months before)

Download wedding checklist – template for Excel

If you like my templates, I’m looking forward to a little donation 🙂

This post in german: Hochzeits-Checkliste als Excel-Vorlage.

Other checklists I found on the Internet

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