Excel Real Estate Management

Manage your real estate portfolio with ease using our user-friendly template. This comprehensive tool allows you to effortlessly track essential property information, ensuring organized and streamlined property management.

Key Features:

  • Property Information: Record property details such as building date, address, type of real estate, heating type, and energy efficiency.


  • Enhanced Organization: Keep all your property information centralized in one easily accessible location.
  • Streamlined Operations: Simplify your property management tasks and save time.
  • Informed Decisions: Make data-driven decisions based on comprehensive property insights.

Screenshots of the Excel real estate management template

Screenshot of the simple property management template

Copy this spreadsheet for another property, so you have one spreadsheet for each real estate.

Right click on the spreadsheet register and chose move or copy..
Create a copy checkbox
Don’t forget to mark the checkbox

Download the Excel property management template

You can download the template here and fill it in with the necessary data. Of course, you can add and customize a few more things

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If you like my templates, I’m looking forward to a little donation 🙂

The German “Immobilienverwaltung” can be found here.

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