Excel Real Estate Management

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Manage your real estate portfolio with ease using our user-friendly template. This comprehensive tool allows you to effortlessly track essential property information, ensuring organized and streamlined property management. Key Features: Benefits: Screenshots of the Excel real estate management template Copy this spreadsheet for another property, so you have one spreadsheet for each real estate. Download …

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Simplify Your Club’s Budgeting Process with Our Easy-to-Use Excel Template

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Managing a club’s finances can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t have a clear plan or budget in place. But fear not, because we have just the solution for you! Introducing our free Excel budget template that will help you master your club’s finances and take control of your budget. Our template is easy to use and customizable to fit your specific needs and goals.

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Insurance Management with Excel

Every one of us has insurance contracts. Depending on your country there are many types of insurance:

  • health insurance
  • pension insurance
  • car insurance
  • liability insurance
  • social insurance
  • accident insurance
  • disability insurance
  • life insurance
  • house insurance
  • even insurance for funeral expenses already exists

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Basic Invoice Template

The Basic Invoice free MS Excel template is a visually pleasant and print ready workbook for creating invoices. Being a basic invoice template isn’t something to be ashamed of.

Quite to the contrary, this is the most valuable virtue of this Excel template. It saves time and nerves and helps you manage your finances.

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Ticket Sales Tracker MS Excel Template

Have you ever hosted and managed an event where tickets are sold for participants? You can always outsource the job or use some online service, but for small events that are hosted by a family or a family run small business, it is in many cases better to keep it local and handy.

Our Ticket Sales Tracker free Microsoft Excel template helps you to easily track different types of sold tickets and the resulting income.

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Simple Loan Calculator MS Excel Template

Keeping up with one’s financial calculations can get messy, especially when it comes to interest rates and other banking matters. You can always hire an expert consultant to explain everything and run your matters, but sometimes, especially when it comes to simpler loan calculations, it pays off to learn how it works and use some tools to streamline the job.

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Online Sales Tracker Template for Excel

Nowadays, a lot of people have an e-commerce shop, one way or another. It could be a professional e-shop built with Magento or WooCommerce or a smaller one with Shopify.

When these e-shops are just side incomes helping your overall earnings with some extra money, you don’t need any complicated or special accounting software or methods. In fact, such methods or software will cost you extra money and time. Commodities that are very rare these days.

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Easy and Beautiful Family Budget Planner

There are a lot of solutions out there that help, or claim to help, a family to plan ahead and not only plan a better budget with their income, but also save and invest a little bit more. But the truth is that not all families need some extravagant budget planner that need at leas 1 month to learn. An easy to use free Excel Template can be of great help, when fast learning curves and a minimalist’s convenience are what is need most.

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Manage My Money Excel Template

Manage My Money Excel template for a better income management

Manage My Money Excel template helps you to have a better overview about the economy of your income vs. your spending and savings. It is a versatile, but at the same time visually appealing template, where you can enter your income, saving and spending and instantly see how your balance stands.

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Mortgage Excel-Template

This excel-template calculates your mortgage. Just fill out the left side on top of table and the rest will calculated automatically.

For everyone planning to buy a house or flat, this is a really important calculation. Don’t be to optimistic with your financial income. What if you lose your job, what if you have to sell the house because you have to move to another place because of your work? To do you have some extra-money for some unexpected repairs? Don’t forget, that you might need some money for an illness or operation. What about making holidays or paying the college for the children.

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Simple Budget Template Household

To have an overview of your finances you need to have a budget-planner for your household. Only this way you can discover where you really spent your money. Sure, you can use a normal pocketbook, but calculate per hand is not as comfortable as an excelsheet. In this excel-template everything calculates automatically. Just fill out …

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Project Management with Excel Templates

Those who do not want to deal with an extensive Microsoft project may make the first steps that are important for project management and project planning using these Excel templates. You may divide the project into subtasks and provide it with the date and time. The whole timeline is then plotted on colored background cells of the Excel template. In this template it is offered as an example. In the template there are two spreadsheets for the months of January to June and July to December 2013.

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