A few days ago I was asked by some reader to create an Excel template for the calculation of daily interest. I think that the following can make other interested, that’s why I have programmed an interest calculator as a template.
How to use the interest calculator?
Everything is very simple as usual for excel-template.net:
Download the Excel file from the download section below, save it and then open it with Excel or any other spreadsheet editing program.
Now enter the start amount, the interest rate, the start date and the end date.
That’s all you need to do.
In a moment Excel will calculate the interest days and the final result.
Have a look at the screenshot of the interest calculator excel template
In the picture you can see the small interface made with excel:

Interest calculator
Download the interest calculator template for free
Here you may find this template in different file formats (.xlsx and zip). Please, the users of Internet Explorer should pay attention to the fact that direct download of .xlsx files may fail to function in your browser, that’s why you have to choose a zip file.
More interest calculator templates in the network
A little research showed that there are other good interest calculator templates to download:
Can you create a custom auto compounding calculator (compounding every 30 minutes) for a fee or otherwise? If so, I’ll provide details. thanks.
Can you create calculator which allows loans not to be compounded
The “Exact daily interest Calculator” it works great but if I wanted to include the start and end dates to be counted what needs to be done to the formula?? Also, will the entered dates include leap years in the calculations?