Schedule excel template

Of course, there are now many ways to plan appointments that do not rely on paper and pencil or a diary book, but are kept digitally. But at the craftsman or hairdresser next door, not everything has to be state-of-the-art. The trade does not suffer from this – it is only about scheduling work or services that should be fixed in time.

But if you have always been looking for digital solutions, you might find them here:

  • The company “booking-time” offers a really convenient solution: Here you can make appointments and connect them to the calendar, several participants can register for an appointment, and thanks to APP you never lose track of your appointments on your smartphone, or you can always access them.
  • With Doodle, you can easily coordinate your appointments at any time – and free of charge:
  • If you own a website based on WordPress, you can also offer scheduling via the website using a plugin or an extension. An overview can be found on the corresponding page directly at WordPress:

Simple schedule – flexible use of time

For those who like to work analog and are not interested in changing this, I have designed a simple planner for your appointments and/or employees.

I actually print out a weekly schedule today and enter my work to be done there. And this, although I consider myself to be very technically minded …

What is the best way to use the planner?

First download the planner free of charge at the end of this article. Then open the file with Excel. At the top you enter your company (optional of course), the day of the week and the calendar week. If you have employees, you should also enter their names accordingly.

 Planner for Excel

 Planner for Excel

In the part below, a column for the working time divided into 15 minute blocks follows on the left. This should be enough to structure the day well. If you wish, you can of course enter other values and replace the existing ones.

Choose weekday

Now you can define the time fields with tasks for yourself and your employees directly in Excel. As this is a simple plan, only one day is stored on the worksheet.

If you want to use the plan in a printed version, you should of course leave everything empty and delete the text “Employee 1, Employee 2” etc. Then you can fill in all fields by hand and mark the time fields in the same way.

Addition: For the latter case, the PDF version is a good choice – there, everything is without entry and can be printed immediately!

How do I use the time planner for more than one day?

The planner has a worksheet for one day. If you want to cover several days, there are two possibilities:

  1. Fill out the schedule as described above, but do not enter any work at the times.
  2. Print out the plan.
  3. Repeat 1. but enter a different day of the week.
  4. Print out the schedule.
  5. Continue until you have printed a plan for each day of the week.

Option 2:

  1. Fill out the schedule at the top.
  2. Duplicate the plan or worksheet in Excel.
  3. To do this, right-click directly on the text in the tab of the worksheet (at the bottom where it says “Schedule”) and
  4. select “Move / Copy” from the menu.
  5. Rename the tab sheet to Tuesday.
  6. In the duplicate, enter Tuesday in the Weekday field or select it from the drop-down menu.
  7. Repeat steps 1 – 3 until you have created all weekdays.
  8. Now you have a workbook with an entire working week as a template.

How do I define the work in the time blocks?

When you have printed the schedules, you can use a pencil to enter the dates directly. For example, under Lisa Z. (Employee 1), you enter Ms. Nuber’s hair-coloring from 8:00 to 9:30. You can highlight this period in color and or use arrows to highlight it.

If you do everything with Excel, select the relevant cells, assign a background color and then enter the task:

Details of the appointment

Appointment-Planner for free download with Excel:

You find the scheduler in the list below. Just click on the link and the template-file-download begins:

Some free other templates for scheduling:

Some of you might find it helpful to get some other templates from other sources. These are links to sites, which offer some help, too:

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