Trip Planner Template

This time, we are going to present the Travel Planner MS Excel template. Those of you who travel a lot, whether for business or leisure, know very well that there are a lot of small details (and some big ones) that can get overlooked and in effect ruin a supposedly beautiful and fruitful travel. After all one’s mind can remember only that much. The solution? Planning.

Trip Planner is a beautifully designed free MS Excel WorkBook that tries to cover every aspect of a trip by dividing it into 4 worksheets as follows:

  1. Travel
  2. Lodging
  3. Activities
  4. Budget

Have a peek at screenshots from the Trip Planner Excel Template:

Travel Worksheet
Lodging Worksheet
Activities Worksheet
Activities Worksheet
Budget Worksheet
Budget Worksheet

How it works:

Following are short descriptions of the worksheets available in the free Trip Planner MS Excel Template:

Travel: The travel worksheet is where your departure and return dates, times, airlines used, origin and destination and more. This way you can have a few trips under your control at a glance.


The Lodging worksheet lets you keep track of you lodgings with hotel name, address, check in date, check out date, etc.


Here you can record all you planned activities for the trip. There are fields for the name of the activity, date, time, location, and contact info included.


Personally,  I like the budget worksheet most of all. Spending one’s money diligently is one of the most important aspects of any successful trip. In this worksheet, you can specify your estimated budget for the trip and based on costs that are entered into the worksheet you are automatically updated on how many percents of the overall budget are spent.

Download your free Excel template “Trip Planner” here:

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