Stock Quote Free Excel Template

Manage, predict and analyse your stock portfolio with MS Excel.

We have had already different free MS Excel templates for managing one’s financial day to day business, like the Cash Book Excel template, or the Interest Calculator Excel Template, but a stock quote template was something we had never tried.

Today, we have a very special free MS Excel template to offer. It is a sophisticated analysis template, where you can get live updates from Yahoo Finance.

This free Excel template enables you to enter your stock portfolio, including stock name and quantity, into a table and will calculate everything from percentage change and total value change to P&L change. The template also features a pie chart, where you can have a nice visual about your portfolio and how much different stock are filling you investments.

The current profits and losses are shown in a neat bar chart, where you get an overall view of each stock’s recent performance.

There are three sheets to this free Excel template: Portfolio, Example and Indices:

1. The “Portfolio” sheet is where you get all the information about your stock portfolio. The other 2 sheets are for reference and testing purposes.


2. Since this template comes with a vast amount of macro functions that can be used just like Excel formulas, we have made the second sheet, “Example”, where you can see all the functions at work and have a short and nice description for all of them.excel-template-stock-quote-preview-2

3. The last sheet, “Indices”, gives you an overview of all the available prices by Yahoo Finance and what symbol you should enter into your table to have them downloaded into this Excel template.excel-template-stock-quote-preview-3

Download your free Excel template “Stock Quote” here

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More Stock Quote templates online

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